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Andie Dean

Marketing Administrator at Stanion Wholesale Electric Co.

Increase Productivity When Installing Workpieces

Stanion Wholesale is a full line iToolco solutions provider. Invented by electricians for electricians iTOOLco improves the work lives of professional electricians and contractors through innovative products.  allj1-1
“When our customers told us they wanted to increase productivity and reduce worker fatigue when installing pipe and lighting, we took it as a challenge to set a new industry standard,” said David Jordan, President at iTOOLco. “True to form at iTOOLco, we invented the All Jack to speed real world jobsite installations. Having the ability to hold equipment in place with minimal physical exertion is a real game changer for electricians, plumbers, HVAC installers, and other professionals on construction jobs.”

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Mind Unwind

mental1 (1200 × 628 px) (900 × 600 px)“I’m fine, thank you. How are you?” We regularly reply in this manner even though we are feeling something other than fine! This is a response that hides how we really are and might prevent helpful communication before it starts. I suffer from ADHD, anxiety, and depression, and I’m not always fine. Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them because I’m always smiling and joking. I struggle, and I understand it. I strive my best to regulate my moods. Most days I am strong, however, every now and then I break. So, in case you see me very quiet, I'm not being rude, I'm not mad at you, you are not bothering me, I may simply want a minute to myself. In case you haven't heard, it's okay to not be okay. Please, tell someone you're not okay. (It's okay, I promise.) Mental health conditions are treatable, and by telling others and showing compassion, we can improve (and perhaps even save) lives!

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