Dealing With COVID "Fatigue"


You’ve probably heard the term by now. After all, we are six months into this pandemic and still dealing with the changes and challenges that have come with it. There have been losses of lives, jobs, businesses, and stability for many with continued uncertainty about the future. Let’s face it, there isn’t a lot of good news when you turn on the TV, and it can be depressing day after day dealing with all the setbacks and problems due to COVID, hence the “fatigue.” It’s hard at times to stay positive through all of this, and it would seem the “end of the tunnel” is still quite a way off.
COVID is certainly a topic of conversation at home and at work. It’s something we deal with daily, but don’t let it consume you or your conversations. Make a conscious effort to talk about things other than COVID, even if it’s all the things you want to do when we get back to a normal way of life.

When I catch myself feeling depressed or negative, I try to focus on things I enjoy doing or even things I haven’t done in a while to help provide a little motivation and jumpstart my attitude. I’m generally a pretty positive person and a firm believer that attitude is a choice, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy. If you find yourself struggling to keep a positive outlook, these are a few things that help me throughout the day, and I hope they might help you too.


I’ve never been very regular about going to a gym or working out, but I’m pretty good about walking. My wife and I try to take our dogs on at least a three-mile walk daily. I’ll gripe about going when it’s hot out and must force myself to go sometimes, but I always feel better when I do. The benefits of exercise go far beyond physical health. It is a good source of stress relief and a good way to get away from the constant barrage of COVID news, if even for a little while. Also try to move around when you’re at work. If you sit a lot, try to walk around occasionally or go outside for bit. Getting on your feet throughout the day can help stretch out muscles and get the blood flowing.

covidExercisePositive Attitude

As I said before, attitude is a choice. You can either choose to be in a good mood or a bad mood, and no one can make you feel a certain way…you are in control. This isn’t to say we aren’t entitled to a bad day occasionally; it happens. But, if you find yourself edging towards negativity, try turning the TV off, get off social media for a while, and try to limit time around negative influences. Constant exposure to any or all of these can drain your energy and attitude quickly. Try to carry a positive attitude to work also; a good mood and a smile can brighten everyone’s day. Ever notice how hard it is to stay in a bad mood when you’re around someone who is happy?


Exercising, hiking, biking, boating at the lake, building things at home - any of these can be great hobbies. My favorite hobby is playing guitar (loudly), and prior to COVID I hadn’t spent much time playing. It is a great source of stress relief and reminds me to take some time for myself. With so much of our normal activities being disrupted, maybe you can rediscover something you used to do but never had time for. Taking time to unwind and practice self-care after work hours will also help you to be more focused, positive, and productive at work.

Learn Something New

Most of us learn something new every day without even thinking about it. But if you pick something specific you want to learn and set time aside to do it, you’ll find it can be a welcome distraction. Learn to play an instrument, learn a new language, learn about a new place you want to visit someday - anything can be a new source for motivation and refocusing your attention. You can also take advantage of new training opportunities at work. Suppliers and vendors are offering more online training than ever, so take time to sharpen your skills.

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed with COVID news, feeling anxious or uncertain about the future, or feeling unhappy or angry because of any or all of it, try one of these things. They won’t make COVID disappear but may help you get through this with a more positive mindset and help beat back the fatigue.

Stay strong and stay healthy.

Marc Stinson

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